Sunday, April 5, 2009

So I Asked Myself Why Blog?

Big question! I'm not sure I yet know the full answer to this question.

I found these notes penned by Kristin Hokanson on her blog:

"the real purpose of this exercise is to alleviate
our natural tendency to edit everything---and learn
to flow.

an analogy would be a film camera:
when a film is shot, the camera just rolls and captures
everything---good and bad. when all the shooting is
complete, the raw film is edited into a cohesive piece.

the camera operator doesn't keep stopping the camera and
rewinding and editing on-the-fly-the camera just rolls.
if it were to stop, some of the best performances
and spontaneous moments might be missed.

be the camera. well, that's a stupid saying, but
you get the idea. in writing---just flow. go back later
and edit.

Go write."

And so I'll keep my camera rolling and write. This site is for me. I guess this blog is intended to capture my thoughts as an emerging teacher.

Let me state up front that I am not an English teacher, so I appoligize up front for all the gramatical errors, voice problems,etc. There is a reason that I am not going to teach English. If I spend endless hours worring about editing this blog my camera will stay off. So I like Kristin's idea---I'm just going to let it flow.

Check out Kristin's site, it has a lot of cool ideas for integrating techology into the classroom.

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