Monday, March 30, 2009

My journey begins...

My journey to become a teacher started many years ago when I first began my college education at BYU. I enrolled in several courses that filled the general education requirements and began the process of deciding which career I wanted to pursue. As I took these courses my interests narrowed to teaching and more specifically to teaching history and social science. I had always found history and geography fascinating, and had even spent some time in Switzerland, where I had the opportunity to meed people from all over the world. I was the oldest of five children many of which were significantly younger than myself and had found that I had a natural affinity and interest in working with children. A profession in teaching history and social science seemed the perfect mix of my own natural talents and interests.

Shortly after I began my education my own career aspirations took a slight detour, when I met my husband and we began actively planning our life together. We married the following August and shortly thereafter began our family. My husband and I went on to have another five children and I spent the next 17 years raising them while my husband worked to support our family. Over the years I have remained focused on setting an example of education and determination to my children and grandchilren. I have always wanted to be a teacher and after spending many years working with young people in various capacities I am excited to have the education necessary to fulfill that goal. Although my own path has spaned more time and geography than most other BYU students, I have always had the same desire-to be a history and social science teacher. And so, my journey begins...

1 comment:

  1. Yay mom! I love saying "my mom goes to college". I am slightly jealous though.
